Movie poster FAIL

While walking into the theater to see Blindside last night a 'little' something jumped out at me as being not right from the banner promoting the upcoming movie Knight and Day.

I don't believe for a second that the art department missed this.. personally I think they did it delibratly and are now laughing their tails off.

Time for some changes

Well here we go… it has been time for awhile now. I was originally going to start on the 28th of December but the flu put me down from the 26th till just yesterday so as most of the people start resolutions, I’m starting a lifestyle. One that will no doubt add so much more to the meaning of life for me.

I’m going to use to help me keep track of my progress. Feel free to join (it’s free) and become a motivator (it allows you to send me words of encouragement or kicks in the butt when I need it) for me.

 Get ready for some work out reports, pictures, video etc. !

Governor Signs Buyer's Choice Act into Law


The Governor signed AB 957 (Galgiani), also known as the Buyer's Choice Act, over the weekend amidst a spate of political gamesmanship that put its passage into question. While the bill had almost no opposition in the Legislature before its signing, it nevertheless faced an uncertain future as one of hundreds of bills that could have been vetoed by a Governor unhappy with the progress of talks over water legislation. 

The bill, which takes effect immediately as an urgency statute, prohibits a seller who acquired title to residential real property at a foreclosure sale from requiring a buyer to purchase title insurance, or escrow services from a company chosen by the seller as a condition of receiving offers or selling the residential real property. A transaction subject to the act would not be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provision of the Act. The measure is effective only until January 1, 2015, unless extended by the Legislature.

For commonly asked questions surrounding AB 957, please see the CLTA’s Buyer’s Choice Act FAQ.


What this all means to you? Lower fees, local monies stay local, quicker cleaner transactions!


Jason Farris




Fresno Fair Soft Tacos

Like most people who’ve had them, my grandmother loves the soft tacos from the Fresno Fair. She enjoys them so much in fact that a little over 10 years ago she decided she would try and duplicate them. That year she spent every ‘fair’ day eating and analyzing till she came up with what she believed was the recipe. I think she nailed it on the first or second official try (of course I didn’t tell her until maybe the 5th or 6th batch). I know the recipes aren’t the same… and I’m glad because my grandmothers recipe is 100x better!  She makes them for family and friends a few times a year.

With her approval, I give to you her version of the Fresno Fair Soft Taco!

Jason Farris